Sunday, December 19, 2010

Truth Dare by Laura Ross Greiner

Truth Dare is a collection of real life stories of people who faced life challenges and how they dealt with them. Laura Ross Greiner has woven her own thoughts and experiences into each chapter inspiring the reader to add their own as they walk through the pages of this book. At the end of each chapter are reflection questions along with spaces for journaling.

I am impressed with the various stories shared in this book. Laura Ross Greiner has done an excellent of job of covering various life challenges/subjects, yet keeping the book short and to the point.  The questions posed at the end of each chapter are inspiring and thought provoking, challenging the reader to stop and think before moving on to the next story. I believe this book would be a great tool for a bible study group, as it encourages growth in the Lord – opening the door to the fruits of the Spirit in the reader’s life. Bravo!